Earth is a very wonderful creation, unique amongst other in the universe. There may be no other planet like earth. Even before the beginning of human civilization, earth has been home to different species of floras and faunas. Earth has always been shelter and home to many lives. Earth itself is life.
Then human civilization began. It marked a new era, the period of human dominion. At first, everything was in harmony. Then, the instigation of the industrial revolution, when human wisdom was transformed into action, has rapidly eradicated, from the face of the planet, thousands of lives of plants and wildlife, which cannot cope with this unusual order. Earth itself cannot cope with this peculiar change. It made the nature change a lot. In reality, the permafrost part of the globe is rapidly melting, which means the destruction of home for polar creatures. Not only that, worst is natural calamities, striking in a strange manner too, "the fury of nature is unstoppable,” as they say.
I am not against change; I am even very fond of this advancement. As a matter of fact, every modern technology that I have been utilizing and en
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The world is in constant evolution. Thus, every facet of human endeavors has to follow the natural order. In the discipline of education, previous theories and/or concepts may no longer be deemed pragmatic to the recent situations. For instance, gone were the days that the notion of teaching was considered as the imparting of knowledge by the teacher to the students. Nowadays, the idea of teaching is to make someone learn by letting students draw their own insights based on their hands-on experience. Teachers are now considered as the catalyst and facilitator of learning, not the source of knowledge.
Since the introduction of free education for the primary level, numerous programs and projects have been launched, by the government, to distribute education to the entire population. Unfortunately, as promising as these platforms were, some key factors were overlooked, thus resulting in an ironic deterioration of the educational system. Instead of reaping the products of these programs, the backfire only entrenched the rooting problem.
One of the key elements is that the government gave more priority to the quantity of admission, rather than to the quality of education. The government paid little attention to other factors such as facilities and teacher salaries, and
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Moral ignominy!
Education is something that improves the quality of life. Being educated insinuates that our knowledge is increased gradually or perhaps at a tremendous rate from the time that we assimilated edification. After getting a degree, the prospect of engaging in trade is relatively greater. However, the process causes more problems than it solves.
First of all, the cost of education is at par luxurious that maintaining a motorcycle in good condition. The tuition, matriculation and other assessed fee, that is good for a semester, surmount the cost of gasoline, which could run the vehicle for months, at a very great scale. Having our school uniforms in good form and upholding school stuffs, likened to buying motorcycles accessories has already a significant difference. The course requirement for every subject is not yet included. How about if the school requires that a student owns a laptop in order to be admitted?
Of course, there are educational institutions which can be found just somewhere else, they’ll also provide us diploma. Just for the purport of being called a graduate and getting a credential does not necessitate admission to superior schools. But what about the essence of education? That institution might not even be recognized by educational commissions, thus jeopardizing o
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Think you can dance? Anyway, it doesn't matter.
Here's what matters...Just how do mathematicians dance?
Well perhaps just like this...
I think the last figure is the easiest...
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Hey buddy, playing hardcore games on a netbook or a small version of a laptop is a tough thing to do and probably, just can't be done. The main problem which hinders netbook owners to play the hard stuff may arise due to the limit on the capability of the hardware, such as graphic cards or video card, random access memory, screen resolutions and others and the list could go on indefinitely. One common problem is that the game won’t start, one possible debug here is to alter the resolution/game configuration. So, I will guide you how to run Battle Realms on your netbook. If you’re having troubles with you
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