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Main » 2012 » October » 7 » Deteriorating Quality of Philippine Educational System
3:48 PM
Deteriorating Quality of Philippine Educational System
          The world is in constant evolution. Thus, every facet of human endeavors has to follow the natural order. In the discipline of education, previous theories and/or concepts may no longer be deemed pragmatic to the recent situations. For instance, gone were the days that the notion of teaching was considered as the imparting of knowledge by the teacher to the students. Nowadays, the idea of teaching is to make someone learn by letting students draw their own insights based on their hands-on experience. Teachers are now considered as the catalyst and facilitator of learning, not the source of knowledge.

          Since the introduction of free education for the primary level, numerous programs and projects have been launched, by the government, to distribute education to the entire population. Unfortunately, as promising as these platforms were, some key factors were overlooked, thus resulting in an ironic deterioration of the educational system. Instead of reaping the products of these programs, the backfire only entrenched the rooting problem.

          One of the key elements is that the government gave more priority to the quantity of admission, rather than to the quality of education. The government paid little attention to other factors such as facilities and teacher salaries, and only concentrated on getting classrooms filled and overcrowded. In most cases, public schools had to take shifts in order to accommodate such large volumes of students. As a result, the school has to cut down time spent on lessons and subjects per day. In addition, the teachers often have to manage with obsolete equipment due to in adequate funding. Since their salaries are low, only a handful desires the teaching profession, thus increasing the ratio between pupil and teacher. As a result, teachers have to handle a bigger volume of students making the quality of education degraded.

          The educational system is already poor as it is. For instance, lessons are often discussed in the trivial level without any analysis whatsoever. Students arrive unprepared for the lessons, and teachers spend more time keeping their class quiet than actually teaching. Furthermore, the teacher dictates the facts, instead of students drawing up their own conclusions, and group work is usually conducted wherein individual analysis would be sufficient. Students are made to do memory work without fully understanding what they’re supposed to learn in the first place.

          Tomorrow’s civilization is deeply reliant on what is taught in today’s classrooms. If such sickly quality of instruction remains then the adults of tomorrow won’t be considerably different than the ill-fated children of today.
Category: Others | Views: 2040 | Added by: shadow | Tags: low quality, quality of education, philippine education, education, philippines, deteriorating education | Rating: 1.0/1
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