The world is ever changing in a fast-paced manner. Evolution is constant in every matter. In the past years, things are much simple. In recent times, the world seems too different and complex, evolution has been going too fast. Only mathematics is capable of resisting it, but can't completely evade, for instance "x" remains unknown.
Yesterday, "apple" is a fruit. Today, "apple" is a machine. See how things have went differently?
The world is now in your pocket; just "bring out the apple" and your free to choose what kind of world you want to deal with. Everything is treated virtually: you can gain education without formal schooling, you can have friends without actually knowing and meeting them.
You can even "surf" not only in open waters.
Unfortunately, everything can never be virtual; reality may never be similar to the world you've created, though it is probable. You may be better in socializing with co-netizens, but that may not be true once you've walked along the street outside your house. Your physical body cannot cope with this virtualization, foods and drinks have to be taken as is; you can't put yourself in the computer and fill your hungry tummy there.
Its up to you, to dream virtually or to live in reality! The choice is yours, consequences will follow.